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The Miraculous Luminaries

You must previously prepare the following phosphorus: Calcine common

oyster-shells, by burning them in the fire for half an hour; then

reduce them to powder; of the clearest of which take three parts, and

of flowers of sulphur one part; put the mixture into a crucible, about

an inch and a half deep. Let it burn in a strong fire for rather

better than an hour; and when it is cool, turn it out and break it in

pieces; and
taking those pieces into a dark place, scrape off the

parts that shine brightest, which, if good, will be a white powder.

Then construct a circular board, of three or four feet diameter, on

the centre of which draw in gum-water, or any adhesive liquid, a

half-moon, of three or four inches diameter, and a number of stars

round it, at different distances, and of various magnitudes. Strew the

phosphorus over the figures, to the thickness of about a quarter of an

inch, laying one coat over the other. Place this board behind a

curtain; and when you draw the curtain up or back, discharge one

electrifying jar or phial over each figure, at the distance of about

an inch, and they will become illuminated, exhibiting a very striking

resemblance of the moon and stars; and will continue to shine for

about half an hour, their splendour becoming gradually more faint.

