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To Fire Sky-rockets Under Water

You must have stands made as usual, only the rails must be placed flat

instead of edgewise, and have holes in them for the rocket-sticks to

go through; for if they were hung upon hooks, the motion of the water

would throw them off: the stands being made, if the pond be deep

enough, sink them at the sides so deep, that, when the rockets are in,

their heads may just appear above the surface of the water; to the

mouth of each rocket fix a leader, which put through the hole with a

stick; then a little above the water must be a board, supported by the

stand, and placed along one side of the rockets; then the ends of the

leaders are turned up through holes made in this board, exactly

opposite the rockets. By this means you may fire them singly or all at

once. Rockets may be fired by this method in the middle of a pond, by

a Neptune, a swan, a water-wheel, or any thing else you choose.

