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To Make Crackers

Cut some stout cartridge-paper into pieces three inches and a half

broad, and one foot long; one edge of each of these pieces fold down

lengthwise about three-quarters of an inch broad; then fold the double

edge down a quarter of an inch, and turn the single edge back half

over the double fold; open it, and lay all along the channel, which is

formed by the foldings of the paper, some meal-powder; then fold it

over and
ver till all the paper is doubled up, rubbing it down every

turn; this being done, bend it backwards and forwards, two inches and

a half or thereabouts, at a time, as often as the paper will allow;

hold all these folds flat and close, and with a small pinching cord,

give one turn round the middle of the cracker, and pinch it close;

bind it with packthread, as tight as you can; then in the place where

it was pinched, prime one end, and cap it with touch-paper. When these

crackers are fired, they will give a report at every turn of the

paper; if you would have a great number of bounces, you must cut the

paper longer, or join them after they are made; but if they are made

very long before they are pinched, you must have a piece of wood with

a groove in it, deep enough to let in half the cracker; this will hold

it straight while it is pinching.

