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The Magic Annihilator

To make one gross eight-ounce bottles--aqua

ammonia one gallon, soft water eight gallons, best white soap four

pounds, saltpetre eight ounces. Shave the soap fine, add the water,

boil until the soap is dissolved, let it get cold, then add the

saltpetre, stirring until dissolved. Now strain, let the suds settle,

skim off the dry suds, add the ammonia, bottle and cork at once. Cost

about $7.25 per gross; sells for $72.00
It will do everything claimed

for it and more, too. It is no mixture of soap suds as some may

suppose, but a pure scientific, chemical preparation. If you wish to

make a small quantity for trial, take aqua ammonia two ounces, soft

water one quart, saltpetre one teaspoonful. Shave the soap fine, mix

all, shake well, and let settle a day or two to dissolve the soap.

What It Will Do.--It will remove all kinds of grease and oil spots

from every variety of wearing apparel, such as coats, pants, vests,

dress goods, carpets, etc., without injury to the finest silks or

laces. It will shampoo like a charm, raising the lather in proportion

to the amount of dandruff and grease in the hair. A cloth wet with it

will remove all grease from door-knobs, window sills, etc., handled by

kitchen domestics in their daily routine of kitchen work. It will

remove paint from a board, I care not how hard or dry it is, if oil is

used in the paint, yet it will not injure the finest textures. Its

chemical action is such that it turns any oil or grease into soap,

which is easily washed out with clear cold water. For cleaning silver,

brass and copper ware it can't be beat. It is certain death to bed

bugs, for they will never stop after they have encountered the Magic


Directions for Use.--For grease spots, pour upon the article to be

cleaned a sufficient quantity of the Magic Annihilator rubbing well

with a clean sponge, and applying to both sides of the article you are

cleaning. Upon carpets and coarse goods, where the grease is hard and

dry, use a stiff brush and wash out with clear cold water. Apply again

if necessary. One application is all that is needed for any fresh

grease spots, but for old or dried a second may be required. For

shampooing take a small quantity of the Magic Annihilator with an equal

quantity of water, apply to the hair with a stiff brush, brushing into

the pores of the scalp, and wash out with clear water. You will be

surprised at the silk gloss of your hair. For cleaning silver ware,

etc., buy five cents' worth of whitening, mix a small quantity with the

magic annihilator, and apply with a rag, rubbing briskly. For killing

bed bugs, apply to the places they frequent, and they will leave in

short order. You will find it useful in many other ways. (See price

list of labels.)

