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Height Of Noted Structures

Following is the height in feet of some noted monuments and structures:

Amiens cathedral, 383;

Bunker Hill monument, 221;

Capitol, Washington, 288;

City Hall, Philadelphia, 535;

Cologne cathedral, 512;

Eiffel tower, 984;

Florence cathedral, 387;

Fribourg cathedral, 386;

Masonic Temple, Chicago, 354;

Metropolitan building. N. Y., 700;

Milan cathedral, 360;

the Great Pyramid, 451;

Rouen cathedral, 464;

St. Paul's, London, 404;

St. Peter's, Rome, 433;

Singer building, N. Y., 612;

Strassburg cathedral, 465;

St. Stephen's, Vienna, 470;

Ward building, Chicago, 394;

Washington monument, 556.

