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The Mysteries Of Hypnotism

A Compend of the General Claims Made by Professional Hypnotists.

Animal magnetism is the nerve-force of all human and animal bodies, and

is common to every person in a greater or less degree. It may be

transmitted from one person to another. The transmitting force is the

concentrated effort of will-power, which sends the magnetic current

through the nerves of the operator to the different parts of the body of
/> his subject. It may be transmitted by and through the eyes, as well as

the finger tips, and the application of the whole open hands, to

different regions of the body of the subject, as well as to the mind.

The effect of this force upon the subject will depend very much upon the

health, mental capacity and general character of the operator. Its

action in general should be soothing and quieting upon the nervous

system; stimulating to the circulation of the blood, the brain and other

vital organs of the body of the subject. It is the use and application

of this power or force that constitutes hypnotism.

Magnetism is a quality that inheres in every human being, and it may be

cultivated like any other physical or mental force of which men and

women are constituted. From the intelligent operator using it to

overcome disease, a patient experiences a soothing influence that causes

a relaxation of the muscles, followed by a pleasant, drowsy feeling

which soon terminates in refreshing sleep. On waking, the patient feels

rested; all his troubles have vanished from consciousness and he is as

if he had a new lease of life.

In the true hypnotic condition, when a patient voluntarily submits to

the operator, any attempt to make suggestions against the interests of

the patient can invariably be frustrated by the patient.

Self-preservation is the first law of nature, and some of the best known

operators who have recorded their experiments assert that suggestions

not in accord with the best interest of the patient could not be carried

out. No one was ever induced to commit any crime under hypnosis, that

could not have been induced to do the same thing much easier without


The hypnotic state is a condition of mind that extends from a

comparatively wakeful state, with slight drowsiness, to complete

somnambulism, no two subjects, as a rule, ever presenting the same


The operator, to be successful, must have control of his own mind, be in

perfect health and have the ability to keep his mind concentrated upon

the object he desires to accomplish with his subject.

