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The Teeth Of Children

Children have twenty temporary teeth, which begin making their

appearance about the sixth or seventh month. The time varies in

different children. This is the most dangerous and troublesome period of

the child's existence, and every parent will do well to consult a

reputable dentist. About the second or third year the temporary teeth

are fully developed. They require the same care to preserve them as is

exercised towar
the permanent set.

About the sixth year, or soon after, four permanent molars, or double

teeth, make their appearance. Some parents mistakenly suppose these

belong to the first set. It is a serious error. They are permanent

teeth, and if lost will be lost forever. No teeth that come after the

sixth year are ever shed. Let every parent remember this.

At twelve years the second set is usually complete, with the exception

of the wisdom teeth, which appear anywhere from the eighteenth to the

twenty-fourth year. When the second set is coming in the beauty and

character of the child's countenance is completed or forever spoiled.

Everything depends upon proper care at this time to see that the teeth

come with regularity and are not crowded together. The teeth cannot have

too much room. When a little separated they are less liable to decay.

