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To Tell Pure Water

The color, odor, taste and purity of water can be ascertained as

follows: Fill a large bottle made of colorless glass with water; look

through the water at some black object. Pour out some of the water and

leave the bottle half full; cork the bottle and place it for a few hours

in a warm place; shake up the water, remove the cork, and critically

smell the air contained in the bottle. If it has any smell, particularly

if the odor is repulsive, the water should not be used for domestic

purposes. By heating the water an odor is evolved that would not

otherwise appear. Water fresh from the well is usually tasteless, even

if it contains a large amount of putrescible organic matter. All water

for domestic purposes should be perfectly tasteless, and remain so even

after it has been warmed, since warming often develops a taste in water

which is tasteless when cold.

