Physiognomy Of The French Revolutionists
It is remarkable, (says Bulwer, in his Zanoni,) that most of the
principal actors of the French Revolution were singularly hideous in
appearance--from the colossal ugliness of Mirabeau and Danton, or the
villanous ferocity in the countenances of David and Simon, to the filthy
squalor of Marat, and the sinister and bilious meanness of the Dictator's
features. But Robespierre, who was said to resemble a cat, and had also
a cat's cleanliness, was prim and dainty in dress, shaven smoothness,
and the womanly whiteness of his hands. Rene Dumas, born of reputable
parents, and well educated, despite his ferocity, was not without a
certain refinement, which perhaps rendered him the more acceptable to
the precise Robespierre. Dumas was a beau in his way: his gala-dress
was a blood-red coat, with the finest ruffles. But Henriot had been a
lacquey, a thief, a spy of the police; he had drank the blood of Madame
de Lamballe, and had risen for no quality but his ruffianism; and Fouquier
Tinville, the son of a provincial agriculturist, and afterwards a clerk
at the bureau of the police, was little less base in his manners, and
yet more, from a certain loathsome buffoonery, revolting in his speech;
bull-headed, with black, sleek hair, with a narrow and livid forehead,
and small eyes that twinkled with sinister malice; strongly and coarsely
built, he looked what he was, the audacious bully of a lawless and
relentless bar.
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