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The Two Sheridans

Sheridan made his appearance one day in a pair of new boots; these

attracting the notice of some of his friends: "Now guess," said he, "how

I came by these boots?" Many probable guesses were then ventured, but in

vain. "No," said Sheridan, "no, you have not hit it, nor ever will. I

bought them, and paid for them!" Sheridan was very desirous that his

son Tom should marry a young lady of large fortune, but knew that Miss

Callander had won his son's heart. Sheridan, expatiating once on the

folly of his son, at length broke out: "Tom, if you marry Caroline

Callander, I'll cut you off with a shilling!" Tom, looking maliciously

at his father, said, "Then, sir, you must borrow it." In a large party

one evening, the conversation turned upon young men's allowances at

college. Tom deplored the ill-judging parsimony of many parents in that

respect. "I am sure, Tom," said his father, "you have no reason to

complain; I always allowed you L800 a-year." "Yes, father, I confess you

allowed it; but then--it was never paid!"

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