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Wycherley's Wooing

Wycherley being at Tunbridge for the benefit of his health, after

his return from the Continental trip the cost of which the king had

defrayed, was walking one day with his friend, Mr. Fairbeard, of

Gray's Inn. Just as they came up to a bookseller's shop, the Countess

of Drogheda, a young, rich, noble, and lovely widow, came to the

bookseller and inquired for the Plain Dealer--a well-known comedy of

Wycherley's. "Madam
" said Mr. Fairbeard, "since you are for the Plain

Dealer, there he is for you"--pushing Wycherley towards her. "Yes,"

said Wycherley, "this lady can bear plain dealing; for she appears to

me to be so accomplished, that what would be compliment said to others,

would be plain dealing spoken to her." "No, truly, sir," said the

Countess; "I am not without my faults, any more than the rest of my sex;

and yet I love plain dealing, and am never more fond of it than when it

tells me of them." "Then, Madam," said Fairbeard, "You and the Plain

Dealer seem designed by Heaven for each other." In short, Wycherley

walked with the Countess, waited upon her home, visited her daily while

she was at Tunbridge, and afterwards when she went to London; where, in

a little time, a marriage was concluded between them. The marriage was

not a happy one.

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