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A Person Having An Even Number Of Shillings In One Hand And An Odd

Number in the other, to tell in which hand the odd or even Number is.

You desire the person to multiply the number in his right hand by an

odd figure, and the number in his left by an even one; and tell you if

the products, added together, be odd or even. If even, the even number

is in the right hand; if odd, the even number is in the left. For


I. Number in the right In
the left hand odd 7

hand is even 18 Multiply by 2

Multiply by 3 ----

---- Product 14

Product 54 ----

Add the Product of

the left hand 14


Which produces a

total of 68

II. Number in the right In the left hand even 18

hand is odd 7 Multiply by 2

Multiply by 3 ----

---- Product 36

Product 21

Add the Product of

the left hand 36


Which produces a

total of 57

