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Of Such Ingredients As Show Themselves In Sparks When Rammed Into

choked Cases.

The set colours of fire produced by sparks are divided into four

sorts, viz., the black, white, grey, and red; the black charges are

composed of two ingredients, which are meal-powder and charcoal; the

white of three, viz., saltpetre, sulphur, and charcoal; the grey of

four, viz., meal-powder, saltpetre, brimstone, and charcoal; and the

red of three, viz., meal-powder, charcoal, and saw-dust.

There are, besides these four regular or set charges, two others

which are distinguished by the names of compound and brilliant

charges; the compound charge being made of many ingredients, such as

meal-powder, saltpetre, brimstone, charcoal, saw-dust, sea-coal,

antimony, glass-dust, brass-dust, steel-filings, cast-iron, tanners'

dust, &c., or any thing that will yield sparks; all which must be

managed with discretion. The brilliant fires are composed of

meal-powder, saltpetre, brimstone, and steel-dust; or with

meal-powder, and steel-filings only.

