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There Must Also Be A Glass Planned To Rise Up And Down In The Groove A B And So Managed By A Cord And Pulley C D E F That It May

raised up and let down by the cord coming through the outside of the

box. On this glass, the spectre, (or any other figure you please,)

must be painted in a contracted or equal form, as the figure will

reflect a greater length than it is drawn.

When you have lighted the lamp in the lantern, and placed the mirror

in a proper direction, put the box on a table, and, setting the

chafing-dish in it, throw some
incense, in powder, on the coals. You

then open the trap door and let down the glass in the groove slowly,

and when you perceive the smoke diminish, draw up the glass, that the

figure may disappear, and shut the trap door.

This exhibition will afford a deal of wonder; but observe, that all

the lights in the room must be extinguished; and the box should be

placed on a high table, that the aperture through which the light

comes out may not be seen.

There are many other pleasing experiments which may be made with the

magic lantern, but the limits of our work will not permit us to

specify them, without excluding many other equally interesting

subjects of a different nature.

