To Find How Many Square Yards It Would Require To Write All The
Changes of the Twenty-four Letters of the Alphabet, written so small,
that each Letter should not occupy more than the hundredth part of a
square Inch.
By adopting the plan of the preceding article, the changes of the
twenty-four letters will be found to be
Now, the inches in a square yard being 1,296, that number multiplied
by 100
gives 129,600, which is the number of letters each square yard
will contain; therefore, if we divide the above row of figures,
(the number of changes,) by 129,600, the quotient, which is
478,741,050,720,092,160, will be the number of yards required to
contain the above mentioned number of changes. But as all the 24
letters are contained in every permutation, it will require a space
24 times as large, viz.,
Now, as the surface of the whole globe only contains
617,197,435,008,000 square yards, it would require a surface 18,620
times as large as the earth to contain them.