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To Produce Beautiful Fire-works In Miniature

Put half a drachm of solid phosphorus into a large pint Florence

flask; holding it slanting, that the phosphorus may not break the

glass. Pour upon it a gill and a half of water, and place the whole

over a tea-kettle lamp, or any common tin lamp, filled with spirit of

wine. Light the wick, which should be almost half an inch from the

flask; and as soon as the water is heated, streams of fire will issue

from the water b
starts, resembling sky-rockets; some particles will

adhere to the sides of the glass representing stars; and will

frequently display brilliant rays. These appearances will continue at

times till the water begins to simmer, when immediately a curious

aurora borealis begins, and gradually ascends, till it collects to a

pointed flame; when it has continued half a minute, blow out the flame

of the lamp, and the point that was formed will rush down, forming

beautiful illuminated clouds of fire, rolling over each other for some

time, which disappearing, a splendid hemisphere of stars presents

itself: after waiting a minute or two, light the lamp again, and

nearly the same phenomenon will be displayed as from the beginning.

Let the repetition of lighting and blowing out the lamp be made for

three or four times at least, that the stars may be increased. After

the third or fourth time of blowing out the lamp, in a few minutes

after the internal surface of the flask is dry, many of the stars will

shoot with great splendour, from side to side, and some of them will

fire off with brilliant rays; these appearances will continue several

minutes. What remains in the flask will serve for the same experiment

several times, and without adding any more water. Care should be

taken, after the operation is over, to lay the flask and water in a

cool, secure place.

