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To Produce Fire By The Mixture Of Two Cold Liquids

Take half a pound of pure dry nitrate, in powder; put it into a retort

that is quite dry; add an equal quantity of highly rectified oil of

vitriol, and, distilling the mixture in a moderate sand heat, it will

produce a liquor like a yellowish fume; this, when caught in a dry

receiver, is Glauber's Spirits of Nitre; probably the preparation,

under that name, may be obtained of the chemists, which will of course

save much time and trouble.

You then put a drachm of distilled oil of cloves, turpentine, or

carraways, in a glass vessel; and if you add an equal quantity, or

rather more, of the above spirit, though both are in themselves

perfectly cold, yet, on mixing them together, a great flame will arise

and destroy them both, leaving only a little resinous matter at the


