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All Things Worth Knowing Page 10
The Rule Of The Road
The rule of the road in the United States is turn to the right; in England it is the reverse. The rule holds in this country in the case where two vehicles going in opposite directions meet. When one vehicle overtakes another the foremost gives way ...
The Signature
This signature should be just as you intend to use it in all your dealings with the bank. If, for instance, your name is John Henry Smith, you may write it J. H. Smith, J. Henry Smith. John H. Smith or John Henry Smith, but whatever form you adopt s...
The Single Tax
This idea was first formulated by Mr. Henry George in 1879, and has grown steadily in favor. Single-tax men assert as a fundamental principle that all men are equally entitled to the use of the earth; therefore, no one should be allowed to hold valu...
The Steps In The Growth Of American Liberty
MAGNA CHARTA. About seven hundred years ago there was organized a movement which resulted in the great charter of English liberty--a movement which foreshadowed the battle of our American forefathers for political independence. On the 25th of Aug...
The Teeth Of Children
Children have twenty temporary teeth, which begin making their appearance about the sixth or seventh month. The time varies in different children. This is the most dangerous and troublesome period of the child's existence, and every parent will do w...
The Use Of Capitals
1. Every entire sentence should begin with a capital. 2. Proper names, and adjectives derived from these, should begin with a capital. 3. All appellations of the Deity should begin with a capital. 4. Official and honorary titles begin with a ...
The Wonderful Human Brain
According to the novel computations of a renowned histologist, who has been calculating the aggregate cell forces of the human brain, the cerebral mass is composed of at least 300,000,000 of nerve cells, each an independent body, organism, and micro...
Much is said nowadays about theosophy, which is really but another name for mysticism. It is not a philosophy, for it will have nothing to do with philosophical methods; it might be called a religion, though it has never had a following large enough...
Things That Are Misnamed
Catgut is gut of sheep. Baffin's Bay is no bay at all. Arabic figures were invented by the Indians. Turkish baths are not of Turkish origin. Blacklead is a compound of carbon and iron. Slave by derivation should mean noble, illustrious. ...
Time In Which Money Doubles
Per Simple Compound Ct Interest. Interest. 2 50 yrs. 35 yrs. 2-1/2 40 yrs. 28 yrs. 26 da. 3 33 yrs. 4 mos. 23 yrs. 164 da. 3-1/2 28 yrs, 208 da. 20 yrs. 54 4 25 yrs...
To Develop The Bust
A beautiful bust is the desire and admiration of every woman. If nature has not been kind in this respect, any woman can develop a beautiful bust by exercise, bathing and gentle massage with a good bust ointment or skin food. Electric massage is ...
To Straighten Round Shoulders
A stooping figure and a halting gait, accompanied by the unavoidable weakness of lungs incidental to a narrow chest, may be entirely cured by the very simple and easily-performed exercise of raising one's self upon the toes leisurely in a perpendicu...
To Tell Pure Water
The color, odor, taste and purity of water can be ascertained as follows: Fill a large bottle made of colorless glass with water; look through the water at some black object. Pour out some of the water and leave the bottle half full; cork the bottle...
To Tell The Age Of Any Person
Hand this table to a young lady, and request her to tell you in which column or columns her age is contained, and add together the figures at the top of the columns in which her age is found, and you have the secret. Thus, suppose her age to be seve...
Toasts And Sentiments
Merit to gain a heart, and sense to keep it. Money to him that has spirit to use it. More friends and less need of them. May those who deceive us be always deceived. May the sword of justice be swayed by the hand of mercy. May the brow o...
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