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All Things Worth Knowing Page 4
For Swollen Feet
Policemen, mail carriers, and others whose occupation keeps them on their feet a great deal, often are troubled with chafed, sore and blistered feet, especially in extremely hot weather, no matter how comfortably their shoes may lit. A powder is use...
Formalities In Dress And Etiquette
Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy was old Polonius' advice to his son, and he counseled suitability as well. It is this question of suitability that is the hall mark of correct dressing. A safe rule to follow, especially in the case of a young w...
Geographical Nicknames
States and Territories. Alabama, Cotton State; Arkansas, Toothpick and Bear State; California, Eureka and Golden State; Colorado, Centennial State; Connecticut, Land of Steady Habits: Freestone State and Nutmeg State; Dakota, Sioux St...
Five Hundred Common Errors Corrected Concise Rules for the Proper Use of Words in Writing or Speaking. The most objectionable errors in speaking or writing are those in which words are employed that are unsuitable to convey the meaning intended....
Hand Grenades
Take chloride of calcium, crude, 20 parts; common salt, 5 parts; and water, 75 parts. Mix and put in thin bottles. In case of fire, a bottle so thrown that it will break in or very near the fire will put it out. This mixture is better and cheaper th...
Handy Weights And Measures
One quart of wheat flour is one pound. One quart of corn meal weighs eighteen ounces. One quart of butter, soft, weighs 14 to 16 ounces. One quart of brown sugar weighs from a pound to a pound and a quarter, according to dampness. One quart of white...
Happiness Defined
Wanting nothing and knowing it. The mental sunshine of content. A will-o'-the-wisp which eludes us even when we grasp it. Excelsior! The ever-retreating summit on the hill of our ambition. The prize at the top of a greasy pole which is cont...
Height Of Noted Structures
Following is the height in feet of some noted monuments and structures: Amiens cathedral, 383; Bunker Hill monument, 221; Capitol, Washington, 288; City Hall, Philadelphia, 535; Cologne cathedral, 512; Eiffel tower, 984; Florence cathedral, 38...
Hints On Bathing
There has been a great deal written about bathing. The surface of the skin is punctured with millions of little holes called pores. The duty of these pores is to carry the waste matter off. For instance, perspiration. Now, if these pores are stopped...
Hints On Shaving
Learn to shave right. Don't shave in a hurry. Have the water hot enough so that it won't cool too quickly. Wash the face with soap and hot water before lathering, especially if the beard is hard. Have the lather very soapy--thin enough to ...
How And When To Drink Water
According to Doctor Leuf, when water is taken into the full or partly full stomach, it does not mingle with the food, as we are taught, but passes along quickly between the food and lesser curvature toward the pylorus, through which it passes into t...
How The Baby's Mind Develops
In his book on The Development of the Intellect, Mr. H. W. Brown presents a conspectus of the observations of Prof. Preyer on the mind of the child which shows chronologically the gradual development of the senses, intellect and will of the growing ...
How The Presidents Died
George Washington's death was the result of a severe cold contracted while riding around his farm in a rain and sleet storm on Dec. 10, 1799. The cold increased and was followed by a chill, which brought on acute laryngitis. He died at the age of 68...
How To Avoid Mistakes
Consider for a moment the vast aggregate of bank transactions, and you will see that perfect system on the part of the banks and bank officials is required to insure accuracy and avoid mistakes. Sometimes the requirements of the banks may seem arbit...
How To Care For A Piano
By William H. Damon The most important thing in the preservation of a piano is to avoid atmospheric changes and extremes and sudden changes of temperature. Where the summer condition of the atmosphere is damp all precautions possible should be ta...
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