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Ixl Baking Powder

Take one pound Tartaric Acid in Crystals, one

and one-half pounds Bi-Carbonate of Soda, and one and one-half pounds

of Potash Starch. Each must be powdered separately, well dried by a

slow heat, well mixed through a sieve. Pack hard in tinfoil, tin or

paper glazed on the outside. The Tartaric Acid and Bi-Carbonate of Soda

can of course be bought cheaper of wholesale druggists than you can

make them, unless you are doin
things on a large scale, but Potato

Starch any one can make. It is only necessary to peel the potatoes and

to grate them up fine into vessels of water, to let them settle, pour

off the water, and make the settlings into balls, and dry them. With

these directions anyone can make as good baking-powder as is sold

anywhere. If he wants to make it very cheap, he can take Cream of

Tartar and common Washing (Carbonate) Soda, instead of the articles

named in the recipe, but this would be advisable only where customers

insist on excessively low prices in preference to quality of goods.

