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Taking Leaf Photographs

A very pretty amusement, especially for those

who have just completed the study of botany, is the taking of leaf

photographs. One very simple process is this: At any druggist's get an

ounce of Bichromate of Potassium. Put this into a pint bottle of water.

When the solution becomes saturated--that is, the water is dissolved as

much as it will--pour off some of the clear liquid into a shallow dish;

on this float a piece
f ordinary writing paper till it is thoroughly

moistened, let it dry in the dark. It should be a bright yellow. On

this put the leaf, under a piece of black soft cloth and several sheets

of newspaper. Put these between two pieces of glass (all the pieces

should be of the same size) and with spring clothespins fasten them

together. Expose to a bright sun, placing the leaf so that the rays

will fall upon it as nearly perpendicular as possible. In a few moments

it will begin to turn brown; but it requires from half an hour to

several hours to produce a perfect print. When it has become dark

enough, take it from the frame, and put it into clear water, which must

be changed every few minutes until the yellow part becomes white.

Sometimes the leaf veinings will be quite distinct. By following these

directions it is scarcely possible to fail, and a little practice will

make perfect.

