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Water-proof For Leather
Take Linseed Oil one pint, Yellow Wax and
White Turpentine each two ounces, Burgundy Pitch two ounces, melt and
color with Lamp Black.
Water-proof And Fire-proof Cement For Roofs Of Houses
What To Do
Like apoplexy, is caused by over feeding and lack of exercise. The fowl runs in a circle with but partial control of the limbs. Remedy Hold the head of the bird under a stream of cold water. Give ten grains of jalap and reduce the amount of feed. ...
Violent Shocks
Violent Shocks will sometimes stun a person, and he will remain unconscious. Untie strings, collars, etc.; loosen anything that is tight, and interferes with the breathing; raise the head; see if there is bleeding from any part; apply smelling salts t...
Violet Copying Ink
For blue violet dissolve in 300 parts of boiling water, Methyl Violet, 5 B, Hofman's Violet, 3 B, or Gentiana Violet, B. For reddish violet dissolve in a similar quantity of water Methyl Violet BR. A small quantity of sugar added to these inks improve...
Wakefield's Blackberry Balsam
Blackberries crushed two pounds, Boiling Water four ozs., Sugar four ozs., Jamaica Ginger four grs., Alcohol two ozs. Mix and add Syrup enough to make sixteen ozs. ...
Wakefield's Wine Bitters
Cinchona Bark four ozs., Gentian Bark two ozs., Juniper Berries one oz., Orange Peel one oz., Lemon Peel fresh sliced one-fourth oz., California Port Wine four pints, Alcohol one pint, Water three pints. Digest or let stand ten days, then filter and ...
Walnut Caramels
Same as the first. When done, stir in sufficient nuts to suit. A better caramel can be made with white sugar, and milk instead of water. Still better, by using cream one quart, and when cream cannot be had, condensed milk dissolved in milk works...
Warner's Safe Cure
Take of Smart Weed four pounds, boil for one hour with one gallon soft water, adding warm water to supply waste by evaporation; then strain off and add Acetate Potash four ozs., Sugar four pounds. Boil again till sugar is dissolved, then add Alcohol e...
Warner's Tippecanoe Bitters
Cardamon Seed two ozs., Nutmeg one drm., Grains of Paradise one drm., Cloves one oz., Cinnamon two ozs., Ginger one oz., Orange Peel one oz., Lemon Peel one oz., Alcohol one gallon, Water one gallon, Sugar three pounds. Mix and let stand for six or s...
Warts And Corns To Cure In Ten Minutes
Take a small piece of Potash and let it stand in the open air until it slacks, then thicken it to a paste with pulverized Gum Arabic, which prevents it from spreading where it is not wanted. ...
Washing Fluid
Two pounds crude Potash, one ounce Sal Ammoniac, one-half ounce Saltpetre, two gallons Rain Water, one pint for eight gallons of Water, and one pound Soap. Put the clothes to soak over night and rinse in the morning. This has been sold for $5 for some...
Water Ices
Some make these with acid, water, flavor, and the whites of eggs. No good. The best rules for the amount of sugar is to suit your taste. ...
Water-proof And Fire-proof Cement For Roofs Of Houses
Slack Stone Lime in a large tub or barrel with boiling water, covering the tub or barrel to keep in the steam. When thus slacked pass six quarts through a fine sieve. It will then be in a state of fine flour. To this add one quart Rock Salt and one g...
Water-proof For Leather
Take Linseed Oil one pint, Yellow Wax and White Turpentine each two ounces, Burgundy Pitch two ounces, melt and color with Lamp Black. ...
What To Do
If an artery is cut, red blood spurts. Compress it above the wound. If a vein is cut, dark blood flows. Compress it below and above. If choked, go upon all fours and cough. For slight burns, dip the part in cold water; if the skin is destroyed...
What To Invent
Cheap, useful articles that will sell at sight. Something that everyone needs, and the poorest can afford. Invent simple things for the benefit of the masses, and your fortune is made. Some years back a one-armed soldier amassed a fortune from a singl...
White Ink
Mix pure freshly precipitated Barium Sulphate, or "Flake White," with Water containing enough Gum Arabic to prevent the immediate settling of the substance. Starch or Magnesium Carbonate may be used in a similar way. They must be reduced to palpable p...
Wolf's Liniment
One quart Alcohol, two ounces Tincture Arnica, one ounce Oil Hemlock, one ounce Oil of Spike. Mix well and let stand twenty-four hours. This will cure any burn, scald, bruise, sprain or any like ailment; also aches and pains of all kinds. Apply by wet...
Wounds And Cuts
Take four ounces Lard, Beeswax four ounces, Resin three ounces, Vaseline four to six ounces. Melt these together and add Carbolic Acid half ounce. This is excellent. ...
Subacetate of Lead, wash with Hydrochloric Acid. ...