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What Housekeepers Should Remember

That cold rain water and soap will remove machine grease from washable


That fish may be scaled much easier by first dipping them into boiling

water for a minute.

That fresh meat beginning to sour will sweeten if placed outdoors in the

cool air over night.

That milk which has changed may be sweetened or rendered fit for use

again by stirring in a little sod

That a tablespoonful of turpentine boiled with your white clothes will

greatly aid the whitening process.

That kerosene will soften boots and shoes that have been hardened by

water and will render them as pliable as new.

That thoroughly wetting the hair once or twice with a solution of salt

and water will keep it from falling out.

That salt fish are quickest and best freshened by soaking in sour milk.

That salt will curdle new milk; hence, in preparing porridge, gravies,

etc., salt should not be added until the dish is prepared.

That one teaspoonful of ammonia to a teacup of water, applied with a

rag, will clean silver or gold jewelry perfectly.

That paint stains that are dry and old may be removed from cotton and

woolen goods with chloroform. It is a good plan to first cover the spot

with olive oil or butter.

That clear boiling water will remove tea stains. Pour the water through

the stain and thus prevent it spreading over the fabric.

That charcoal is recommended as an absorbent of gases in the milk-room

where foul gases are present. It should be freshly powdered and kept

there continually, especially in hot weather, when unwholesome odors are

most liable to infect the milk.

That applying kerosene with a rag, when you are about to put your stoves

away for the summer, will prevent them from rusting. Treat your farming

implements in the same way before you lay them aside for the fall.

That a teaspoonful of borax, put in the last water in which clothes are

rinsed, will whiten them surprisingly. Pound the borax so it will

dissolve easily. This is especially good to remove the yellow that time

gives to white garments that have been laid aside for two or three


That a good agency for keeping the air of the cellar sweet and wholesome

is whitewash made of good white lime and water only. The addition of

glue or size, or anything of that kind, only furnishes organic matter to

speedily putrefy. The use of lime in whitewash is not only to give a

white color, but it greatly promotes the complete oxidation of effluvia

in the cellar air. Any vapors that contain combined nitrogen in the

unoxidized form contribute powerfully to the development of disease


