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Fulminating Gold

Put into a small long-necked bottle, resting on a little sand, one

part of fine gold filings, and three parts of aqua regia,

(nitro-muriatic acid.) When the gold is dissolved, pour the solution

into a glass, and add five or six times the quantity of water. Then

take spirit of sal ammoniac or oil of tartar, and pour it drop by drop

into the solution, until the gold is entirely precipitated to the

bottom of the glass. Decant the liquor that swims at the top, by

inclining the glass; and, having washed it several times in warm

water, dry it at a moderate heat, placing it on paper capable of

absorbing all the moisture.

If a grain of this powder, put into a spoon, (it should be an iron

one,) be exposed to the flame of a candle, it will explode with a very

loud report.

