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A Cure For Love
Take twelve ounces of dislike, one pound of resolution, two grains of common sense, two ounces of experience, a large sprig of time, and three quarts of cooling water of consideration. Set them over a gentle fire of love, sweeten it with sugar of fo...
A Dollar Saved A Dollar Earned
The way to accumulate money is to save small sums with regularity. A small sum saved daily for fifty years will grow at the following rate: Daily Savings. Result. Daily Savings. Result. One cent $ 950 Sixty cents $ ...
A Lady's Chance Of Marrying
Every woman has some chance to marry. It may be one to fifty, or it may be ten to one that she will. Representing her entire chance at one hundred at certain points of her progress in time, it is found to be in the following ratio: Between the ag...
A Mistaken Idea
The old adage. Feed a cold and starve a fever. is characterized by the Journal of Health as very silly advice. If anything, the reverse would be nearer right. When a person has a severe cold it is best for him to eat very lightly, especially during ...
Accent And Pronunciation
Accent is a particular stress or force of the voice upon certain syllables or words. This mark in printing denotes the syllable upon which the stress or force of the voice should be placed. A word may have more than one accent. Take as an instance...
Accidents And Emergencies
What To Do If an artery is cut, red blood spurts. Compress it above the wound. If a vein is cut, dark blood flows. Compress it below and above. If choked, go upon all fours and cough. For slight burns, dip the part in cold water; if the skin ...
Alphabet Of Advice To Writers
A word out of place spoils the most beautiful thought.--Voltaire. Begin humbly. Labor faithfully. Be patient.--Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. Cultivate accuracy in words and things; amass sound knowledge; avoid all affectation; write all topics which ...
Altered Words And Figures
The altered check is the bane of the paying teller's profession, and it is the general practice in conservative banks to accept no checks or other paper which shows signs of erasure or alteration in either words or figures. ...
Appalling Depths Of Space
Distances that Stun the Mind and Baffle Comprehension. The stars, though appearing small to us because of their immense distance, are in reality great and shining suns. If we were to escape from the earth into space, the moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and e...
Bell Time On Shipboard
Time on shipboard is divided into periods of four hours--from midnight to midnight--and the lapse of every half hour is marked by one or more strokes of the bell--from one stroke for the end of the first half hour to eight strokes or, in nautical la...
Banks are always willing to loan their funds to responsible persons within reasonable limits. That is what they exist for. There is, of course, a limit to the amount a bank may loan, even on the best known security, but the customer of the bank is e...
Business Law In Brief
It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. Ignorance of the law excuses no one. A contract made on a Sunday is void. A contract made with a lunatic is void. The act of one partner binds all the others. An agreement without consideration is void. ...
Canary Birds
How to Keep Them Healthy and in Good Song. Place the cage so that no draught of air can strike the bird. Give nothing to healthy birds but rape, hemp, canary seed, water, cuttle-fish bone, and gravel, paper or sand on floor of cage. A bath th...
Care Of The Eyes
In consequence of the increase of affections of the eye, a specialist has recently formulated the following rules to be observed in the care of the eyes for school work: A comfortable temperature, dry and warm feet, good ventilation; clothing at the...
Care Of The Hands
A study of the hand is very interesting, and if mothers understood more of its beautiful construction many of the little accidents which result in deformed finger nails could be avoided. Mothers should attend most carefully to the early cultivation ...
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Things That Are Misnamed
Bell Time On Shipboard
Etiquette Of Courtship And Marriage
Accent And Pronunciation
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Maximum Age Of Trees
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For Swollen Feet
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