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All Things Worth Knowing Page 6
Marriage And Divorce
Marriage may be entered into by any two persons, with the following exceptions: Idiots, lunatics, persons of unsound mind, persons related by blood or affinity within certain degrees prohibited by law, infants under the age of consent, which varies ...
Maximum Age Of Trees
Palm, 250 years; elm, 355 years; cypress, 388 years; ivy, 448 years; maple, 516 years; larch, 576 years; lemon, 640 years; plane, 720 years; cedar, 800 years; chestnut, 860 years; walnut, 900 years; lime, 1,076 years; spruce, 1,200 years; ...
Memory Rhymes
The Months. Thirty days hath September, April, June and November; All the rest have thirty-one, But February, which has twenty-eight alone. Except in leap-year; then's the time When February's days are twenty-nine. Birthdays....
Men And Complexions
Dr. Katherine Blackford, of Boston, speaking of men's complexions, arrives at the following conclusions. There are, of course, exceptions to all rules: As a general rule, the blonds are inconstant. They change their minds too often. They get angry o...
Merchants' Cost And Price Marks
All merchants use private cipher marks to note cost or selling price of goods. The cipher is usually made up from some short word or sentence of nine or ten letters, as: C O R N E L I U S, A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Five dollars,...
Mistakes In Banking
Mr. Samuel Woods, a member of the American Institute of Bank Clerks, recently contributed to Munsey's Magazine an interesting article on the subject of Mistakes in Banking. From this we are permitted by the courtesy of the publishers of Munsey's to ...
Modern Fables
Luxury. Of two cats, one, thinking to be very fine, hunted only humming birds, and the other hunted only mice. The first had to hunt much longer than the other, because humming birds were scarce, so that it spent nearly all its life in getting fo...
Mottoes Of The States
Arkansas--Regnant populi: The peoples rule. California--Eureka: I have found it. Colorado--Nil sine numine: Nothing without the Divinity. Connecticut--Qui transtulit sustinet: He who has transferred, sustains. Delaware--Liberty and Independen...
Mourning Colors The World Over
Black is by no means the only color used by man to express grief or mourning for the dead. In the South Sea Islands the natives express sorrow and hope by stripes of black and white. Grayish brown, the color of the earth to which the dead return, is...
Mourning Customs
There has been of late years a healthy revolt against the excessive use of crepe or the wearing of mourning for an undue period. Mourning is first of all a protection, for in these busy days and in a large city a death affecting our acquaintances is...
Number Of Miles By Water From New York
To Amsterdam, 3,510; Bermudas, 660; Bombay, 11,574; Boston, 310; Buenos Ayres, 7,110; Calcutta, 12,425; Canton, 13,900; Cape Horn, 8,115; Cape of Good Hope, 6,830; Charleston, 750; Columbia River, 15,965; Constantinople, 5,140; Dublin, 3,22...
Master of human destinies am I. Fame, Love and Fortune on my footsteps wait. Cities and fields I walk; I penetrate Deserts and seas remote, and, passing by Hovel, and mart, and palace, soon or late I knock unbidden once at every gate! If sleeping...
They do me wrong who say I come no more When once I've knocked and failed to find you in; For every day I stand outside your door, And bid you wake and ride, to fight and win. Wail not for precious chances passed away, Weep not for golden ...
Paying Notes And Acceptances
Make your notes and accepted drafts payable at the bank where you do business. Whether it or other banks hold them for collection, they will be presented to your bank when due. Pay your notes, etc., on the day they fall due, and early in the day i...
Philosophical Facts
The greatest height at which visible clouds ever exist does not exceed ten miles. Air is about eight hundred and fifteen times lighter than water. The pressure of the atmosphere upon every square foot of the earth amounts to two thousand one hu...
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Things That Are Misnamed
Bell Time On Shipboard
Etiquette Of Courtship And Marriage
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Mourning Customs
Maximum Age Of Trees
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