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All Things Worth Knowing Page 9
The Evolution Theory
The evolution or development theory declares the universe as it now exists to be the result of a long series of changes which were so far related to each other as to form a series of growths analogous to the evolving of the parts of a growing organi...
The Horse's Prayer
To thee, my master, I offer my prayer: Feed, water and care for me; and when the day's work is done, provide me with shelter and a clean, dry bed. Always be kind to me. Pet me sometimes, that I may serve you the more gladly and learn to love you. Do...
The Language Of Flowers
Flowers may be combined and arranged so as to express even the nicest shades of sentiment. If a flower is offered reversed, its direct significance is likewise reversed, so that the flower now means its opposite. A rosebud divested of its thorn...
The Language Of The Flag
To strike a flag is to lower the national colors in token of submission. Flags are used as the symbol of rank and command, the officers using them being called flag officers. Such flags are square, to distinguish them from other banners. A fla...
The Law Of Copyright
The new copyright law, which went into effect July 1, 1909, differs in many respects from the law previously in force. Its main provisions are given below, but those desiring to avail themselves of its protection should write to the Register of Copy...
The Law Of Finding
The general rule is that the finder has a clear title against every one but the owner. The proprietor of a hotel or a shop has no right to demand property of others found on his premises. Such proprietors may make regulations in regard to lost prope...
The Law Of Trademarks
Any person, firm or corporation can obtain protection for any lawful trademark by complying with the following: 1. By causing to be recorded in the Patent Office the name, residence and place of business of persons desiring the trademark. 2. Th...
The Mecklenburg Declaration
More than a year before the signing of the Declaration of Independence a document was drawn up that was almost a model in phraseology and sentiment of the great charter of American freedom. There are various accounts of this matter, but the most tru...
The Mysteries Of Hypnotism
A Compend of the General Claims Made by Professional Hypnotists. Animal magnetism is the nerve-force of all human and animal bodies, and is common to every person in a greater or less degree. It may be transmitted from one person to another. The t...
The Mysteries Of Palmistry
The following points, upon which the Science of Palmistry is based, explain its mysteries, and will be found very interesting, amusing and instructive: Form of the Hand. Hands are classed into seven types, each of which is illustrated by ...
The Name Of God In Fifty Languages
Hebrew, Eleah, Jehovah; Chaldaic, Eiliah; Assyrian, Eleah; Syrian and Turkish, Alah; Malay, Alla; Arabic, Allah; Languages of the Magi, Orsi; Old Egyptian, Teut; Modern Egyptian, Teun; Armenian, Teuti; Greek, Theos; Cretan, Thios; Aedian an...
The Names Of The Months
THE DERIVATIONS OF THE NAMES OF THE MONTHS. January.--The Roman god Janus presided over the beginning of everything; hence the first month of the year was called after him. February.--The Roman festival Februs was held on the 15th day of this m...
The Names Of The States
Alabama--Indian; meaning Here we rest. Arkansas--Kansas, the Indian name for smoky water, with the French prefix arc, bow or bend in the principal river. California--Caliente Fornala, Spanish for hot furnace, in allusion to the climate. Colo...
The Perfect Female Figure
According to the Chicago Tribune, Miss Helen Loewe, a student at the Chicago Art Institute, is credited by art critics with closely approaching the standard of physical perfection set by statues of the goddess Venus. Miss Loewe was posed as a model ...
The Right Of Dower
Dower is one-third of the husband's estate, and in general cannot be destroyed by the mere act of the husband. Hence, in the sale of real estate by the husband, his wife must, with the husband, sign the conveyance to make the title complete to the p...
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