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Of Painting The Glasses

You first draw on a paper, the size of the glass, the subject you mean

to paint; fasten this at each end of the glass with paste, or any

other cement, to prevent it from slipping. Then with some very black

paint mixed with varnish, draw with a fine camels'-hair pencil, very

lightly, the outlines sketched on the paper, which, of course, are

reflected through the glass. Some persons affirm that those outlines

can be more
readily traced with japan writing ink, and a common pen

with a fine nib; but this, even if it succeeds in making a delicate

black outline, is sure to be effaced by damp or wet.

It would improve the natural resemblance, if the outlines were drawn

with a strong tint of each of the natural colours of the object; but

in this respect you may please your own fancy. When the outlines are

dry, colour and shade your figures; but observe, to temper your

colours with strong white varnish. A pleasing effect will be produced,

if you leave strong lights in some parts of the drapery, &c., without

any colours. The best colours for this purpose are transparent ones;

opaque or mineral colours will not do. The following are in most


For Pink and crimson Lake or carmine.

Blue Prussian blue.

Green Calcined verdigris, or distilled ditto.

Yellow Gamboge.

