Relics Of Izaak Walton
Flatman's beautiful lines to Walton, (says Mr. Jesse) commencing--
"Happy old man, whose worth all mankind knows
Except himself,"
have always struck us as conveying a true picture of Walton's character,
and of the estimation in which he was held after the appearance of his
The last male descendant of our "honest father," the Rev. Dr. Herbert
Hawes, die
in 1839. He very liberally bequeathed the beautiful painting
of Walton, by Houseman, to the National Gallery; and it is a curious
fact, as showing the estimation in which anything connected with Walton
is held in the present day, that the lord of the manor in which Dr.
Hawes resided, laid claim to this portrait as a heriot, though not
successfully. Dr. Hawes also bequeathed the greater portion of his
library to the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury; and his executor and
friend presented the celebrated prayer-book, which was Walton's, to
Mr. Pickering, the publisher. The watch which belonged to Walton's
connexion, the excellent Bishop Ken, has been presented to his amiable
biographer, the Rev. W. Lisle Bowles.
Walton died at the house of his son-in-law, Dr. Hawkins, at Winchester.
He was buried in Winchester Cathedral, in the south aisle, called Prior
Silkstead's Chapel. A large black marble slab is placed over his remains;
and, to use the poetical language of Mr. Bowles, "the morning sunshine
falls directly on it, reminding the contemplative man of the mornings
when he was, for so many years, up and abroad with his angle, on the
banks of the neighbouring stream."
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