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Mrs Southey

And who was Mrs. Southey?--who but she who was so long known, and so

great a favourite, as Caroline Bowles; transformed by the gallantry of

the laureate, and the grace of the parson, into her matrimonial

appellation. Southey, so long ago as the 21st of February, 1829,

prefaced his most amatory poem of All for Love, with a tender address,

that is now, perhaps, worth reprinting:--


"Could I look forward to a distant day,

With hope of building some elaborate lay,

Then would I wait till worthier strains of mine,

Might have inscribed thy name, O Caroline!

For I would, while my voice is heard on earth,

Bear witness to thy genius and thy worth.

But we have been both taught to feel with fear,

How frail the tenure of existence here;

What unforeseen calamities prevent,

Alas! how oft, the best resolved intent;

And, therefore, this poor volume I address

To thee, dear friend, and sister poetess!

"Keswick, Feb. 21, 1829. "ROBERT SOUTHEY."

The laureate had his wish; for in duty, he was bound to say, that

worthier strains than his bore inscribed the name of Caroline connected

with his own--and, moreover, she was something more than a dear friend

and sister poetess.

"The laureate," observes a writer in Fraser's Magazine, "is a

fortunate man; his queen supplies him with butts (alluding to the

laureateship), and his lady with Bowls: then may his cup of good fortune

be overflowing."

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