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The Numerical Cards

Let the long card be the sixteenth in the pack of piquet cards. Take

ten or twelve cards from the top of the pack, and, spreading them on

the table, desire a person to think on any one of them, and to observe

the number it is from the first card. Make the pass at the long card,

which will then be at the bottom. Then ask the party the number his

card was at, and, counting to yourself from that number to sixteen,

turn the cards up, one by one, from the bottom. Then stop at the

seventeenth card, and ask the person if he has seen his card, when he

will say no. You then ask him how many more cards you shall draw

before his card appears; and when he has named the number, you draw

the card aside with your finger, turn up the number of cards he

proposed, and throw down the card he fixed on.

